Thursday, September 23, 2004

Politically engaged lit. class

Regarding the politics of our course: I don't take sides, in a partisan sense, where class is concerned. Do I have my own opinions? Sure. But I studiously avoid partisan politics in the classroom, and I would never dream of telling a student to support one party or another, one candidate or another. On the other hand, I certainly have my own ideas about what is right and wrong in our society and in the world, and how literature helps us to understand and rethink our most pressing political and ethical dilemmas. If I didn't have such ideas, I doubt you would want me as your world literature professor. You are always free, of course, to disagree with me. In fact, I very much enjoy political and ethical dialogue and debate, as long as we respect each other's different viewpoints and remain civil with one another.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Bloggers drive controversy

Well, we bloggers are on the cutting edge, according to this CNET news story about blogs that have entered into the presidential race's political fray. This kind of amateur sleuthing, despite its dubious methods and conclusions, is afterall just a different kind of literary analysis....

Friday, September 03, 2004

Don't forget to register to vote!

Hi, folks,

I want to let you know that I've added a link at the top of to voter registration materials. That link brings you to the registration materials page of a site called Rock the Vote, whose aim is to provide easy access to voter registration materials for everyone. Please register to vote, if you haven't already done so, or if you've recently moved (for example, to attend college). Time is running out -- Alabamians have only until early next month (October) to register! We can hardly call ourselves a democratic nation unless we educate ourselves about the issues and exercise our constitutional rights as voters.

This message is not directly related to our course -- my apologies -- but, in a larger sense, creating informed and educated citizens (who vote!) is among highest duties of the university. Please let your friends know that they, too, can go to or Rock the Vote for registration forms. Simply print the form out and send it off!