Saturday, November 13, 2004

Your essay assignment

Dear all,

Most of you are working on your essays this weekend. I encourage you to send me an email message or to come see me in office hours if you'd like additional help or guidance. Many students have already consulted with me about their essays, and from what they've told me it seems to have helped. Because the essay is only 5-7 pages, you'll need to be fairly brief. So keep it simple. Settle on a single topic, and argue for why your approach to the topic helps us to understand the two texts you've chosen, the ideas they convey, and the specific ways that they convey these ideas. Don't be too concerned if you find writing your essay to be a challenge. Writing may not always be easy, but its reward is that it helps you to think more deeply. As always, I'm available for consultation as you go along.


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